Sponsorship Opportunities

HAP invites and encourages organisations and individuals to join as stakeholders to inform and empower the older community. As a Sponsor, organisations and businesses have the opportunity to increase their visibility among a highly engaged audience, particularly in sectors related to healthcare, community services, and active and healthy ageing. These sponsorships not only provide brand exposure but also demonstrate a commitment to investing in community wellbeing.

The Benefits

Sponsorship benefits include networking opportunities at events, community engagements, along with access to exclusive workshops and seminars focused on healthy ageing, including:

  • Co-sponsorship of community events and initiatives.
  • Opportunity to host informational sessions or workshops that align with your brand values.
  •  Opportunities to connect with local government, industry leaders, health professionals and community organisations.
  • Access to research data and insights on trends in healthy ageing and wellness.
  • Opportunities to contribute to HAP communications, demonstrating leadership in healthy ageing knowledge.
  • Media exposure.

HAP Sponsorship is now OPEN and we warmly welcome your application to join HAP as a sponsor.

Please contact our secretary directly by emailing: secretary@healthyageingpartnerships.au

You’ll receive a comprehensive sponsorship pack, and we’ll gladly schedule a meeting to discuss how we can build a successful, mutually beneficial partnership.

Together, we can create a healthier, more vibrant community for older people on the Sunshine Coast

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